Lutheran Church in China Grove, NC | Concordia Lutheran Church

Encountering God through Worship

Welcome to Concordia Lutheran Church

Located between China Grove and Mooresville, NC, we are a warm and welcoming Lutheran church that values friendship, fellowship, and community. Our focus is on sharing God’s love and grace through our worship services, study groups, and outreach programs. Whether you are a long-time believer or just starting to explore your faith, we welcome you to join us as we grow together and support one another on our journey with Christ. Come experience the love and warmth of our church community at Concordia Lutheran Church.

Fellowship Breakfast at 8:30 AM
Sunday School at 9:00 AM (Available for all ages)
Service at 10:00 AM

Please Welcome New Pastor, Carlin Ours

A Letter From Pastor Carlin Ours

To: Our Concordia Lutheran Church Family

From: Pastor Carlin Ours & Family

Grace and peace to you from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Greetings: It is a profound honor and privilege to be called as you next pastor. This journey has been one of prayer and discernment. Not just for you as a congregation, but also for me and my family. I was reluctant to place my name in consideration for calling at Concordia. However, in February of this year we visited, and God began to move. It was at this point my family and I believed that God had given His blessing on this union. Concordia has always held a special place in the heart of our family and our faith. We look forward to this bond growing as we work together for the Kingdom of God.

  I think it is important for you to know that Concordia is the only call outside of First Lutheran Pontiac, Illinois I feel connected toward and have a desire to serve with. This has been a hard decision as we love this congregation immensely. They are a choice body of Christ and have enriched my life, my family, and ministry. However, after much introspection we are delighted to come and serve at Concordia. As your pastor, I will love you with all I have and seek to help each congregant to grow in their walk with God and to strengthen each of you in your Baptism. 

I plan to preach the first Sunday of March and preside through the Lenten season. The reason for this timetable is twofold. I need to help First Lutheran with this transition. I hope to help them find a good interim or long-term supply. Also, as Dean of The Great Rivers Mission District, I feel it is my duty to help with this transition as well. I take my work for Christ and his Kingdom seriously and feel compelled to leave things in the best order possible. 

I look forward to Zooming with worship and music committees to plan the Lenten journey for Concordia. I also hope to meet with education and youth committees to discuss these vital ministries. 

I have a vision for ministry at Concordia and a ministry philosophy. The vision will be one we work on together to do the work of Christ in our community. My philosophy is very simple. It revolves around Christ, scripture, discipleship, as well as modeling and teaching. Our basic principles of the NALC are as follows, Christ Centered, Mission Driven, Traditionally Grounded, and Congregationally Focused. These help to define my ministry philosophy. Everything we do and teach revolves around Christ Jesus as found in the scriptures. I do not infer when it comes to teaching but teach from the text itself and select other sources. I generally develop my own studies. I feel it is important to put in the hard work of study and learning to be an effective pastor and teacher. We need to be a church of substance. Helping individuals build on the foundations of Christ. We cannot out-cool many churches and will not seek to do so. However, we can out-teach and seek to be a place of substance for this hurting and dying world. When others seek to revolve around symbolism, we will be foundational and truly substantive in our ministry. This requires us to teach sound theology and Biblicism. I hope to assist our education committee in finding solid material for all classes and studies. This is imperative for Concordia’s ministry to move forward. Teaching must be solid theologically, biblically and distinctly confessional and Lutheran.  

Jesus last command to us was to “Make Disciples.” I hope to continue the lasting culture of discipleship at Concordia and help it to grow even more. We can do this by reaching out into the greater community and world expanding on the wonderful tradition already ingrained in the culture of Concordia. Mission and outreach will be central themes for our ministry. 

We will continue to thrive on the “Traditions” handed down from Jesus to the Disciples, through to this day. They have sustained the Church for two thousand years and will continue to drive Christ’s church.

Finally, I hope we continue to be centered on the local church. This is the place where ministry is the most present in our lives and community. It is here our families are nourished and where faith is grown upon the foundation of Jesus our Lord and Savior.  

I need your help in accomplishing these endeavors. It will only be with us working together as fellow servants of Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can move the Gospel of Christ forward. 


In His Loving Service

Pastor Carlin

Lutheran Church Service in China Grove, NC

Mission Statement

“With Christ as our head, Concordia Lutheran Church is one body seeking to proclaim the mighty acts of God, seeking to grow in faith through prayer, devotion, and study of the Word; seeking to spread the love of Christ throughout the Community with lives of service and hearts full of compassion.”

Lutheran Church Service in China Grove, NC

Our Faith

Concordia Lutheran Church believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, embracing the Gospel as the power of God for salvation. We uphold the Scriptures, creeds, and confessional writings as the foundation of our faith and mission in the world.

Bible Study in China Grove, NC

Our Values

  • Christ-Centered
  • Mission Driven
  • Traditionally-Grounded
  • Congregationally-Focused
Lutheran Church in China Grove, NC

Community Support

Our mission is to serve others through various missions and activities. We believe that it is important to focus on our traditional services and engage in programs that invite participation from everyone in the community, not just church members. Whether volunteering at local charities, hosting events, or attending regular fellowship gatherings, we are dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of others and creating a welcoming environment for all.

Upcoming Events

2025 Lenten Schedule


Eggcellent Egg Hunt 4/12/25 10:30 a-12:30 p

Fit for the King Exercise Group

Exercise in the Fellowship Hall

Mondays and Wednesday 9:30a-10:30a

Low Impact Modifiable Exercises 

Calling Musicians!

Sunday Hours:

Fellowship Breakfast at 8:30 AM
Sunday School at 9:00 AM
(Available for all ages)
Service at 10:00 AM

Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday
8:00 AM to 12:30 PM